Thursday, May 31, 2007

SECOND JUNE is coming...

its been quite a while since i last posted...
with the mid-year exams, Chinese 'O' Level and SPAs going on, it difficult to find time to blog....
haha.. but anyway, this blog is not official yet.. i will officially switch over from my friendster blog to my NEW box of ChOcOlAtEs!!

yup.. so let's just wait till then....


Friday, May 11, 2007


yupx... i have put up lots of photos, videos and music too!!

Monday, May 07, 2007

opening up the BOX of CHOCOLATES...

i finally got someone to help me to set up my new blog!!
thanks jiang wei!!

well, im currently editing it slowly... trying to transfer whatever i can from my friendster blog:

so give me some time and look out for new changes!!
i can't wait to officially open up my blog when i'm done....

God Bless!!
