Monday, July 28, 2008

'POP'ped out for 41 hours!

have you ever stayed actively awake for 41 hours straight?

i just did from Friday, 25 Jul (730am) to Sunday, 27 Jul (12mn)! WOW!! i tell you, it was a really indescribable experience! i wasn't sure if i was awake or dreaming during that time...

let me now attempt to recall what i had been through in the 41 hours...

Friday, 25 Jul

7am (0 hours awake):

i woke up and went to school for half of the POA lecture before my group left to prepare for our Macroeconomics ICA 2 project presentation! i was really nervous, yet i couldn't wait to show our class the videos that we made! -_-

11am (4 hours awake):

we had our Macroeconomics ICA 2 project presentations! there were 5 groups and we were the 4th group! so it was really nerve-wrecking to see the other groups present and answer the Q & As, but at the same time, it was really entertaining to watch the videos of the other groups and listen to them present! Great job, class!!! (:

Finally, it was our group's turn to present! we started off with our 1st video "Finding US 20million"...

then we presented our proposal as business partners of JAPCC (Japan-Australia Proposal Cosplay Cafe). here is our second video, "Cosplay Cafe Advertisement + Credits"...

after that, we showed our "NG Scenes" that we had during filming...

haha! that was our CRAZY presentation! Our tutor said that our group did a great job with our project! He even mentioned that it was one of the most united group presentations he has seen for this module! YAY! Praise God for granting us favour and helping us through the whole process! It was a good group and we all managed to work fairly well together as a team! Great job, guys!! i had fun working on this project together with you guys!

here are some crazy photos that we took!

check out the other crazy pictures we took HERE!

3pm (8 hours awake):

anyways, after the presentations and photo-taking sessions, i rushed down to PHS for the final POP rehearsal. the attendance wasn't really ideal, but we managed to do a few good run-throughs. when the rehearsal ended, we quickly gathered the supporting contingents to help with the setup and preparations for the hall and the parade square!

6pm (11 hours awake):

after tying up some problems that cropped up, we had a debrief later in the evening to cover everything that is left for the POP the next day. then we prayed and committed everything to God...

8pm (13 hours awake):

i had a delicious packet of chicken rice for dinner with bryan, jiang wei, jonathan & joshua at school... it was really satisfying...

10pm (15 hours awake):

after dinner, joshua & i followed jiang wei home to pack his bag for the next day's events...

11pm (16 hours awake):

then we went off to AMK mrt where we sent joshua off before i brought jiang wei home to stay over. we had to stay up to prepare the video slideshows and powerpoint presentations for the UG tributes as the committee didn't manage to do it...

Saturday, 26 Jul

4.30am (21.5 hours awake):

in the end, we finished work at 4.30am. we had to be in school by 6am. so we decided not to sleep anymore. instead, we had breakfast (bread & milk) and got ready to go out. i took a quick cold shower to refresh myself before we left.

5.30am (22.5 hours awake):

we started walking towards Bishan mrt... we were really 'high' on our way there. we started singing songs and laughing (okay, i know that sounds crazy.. but we just couldn't help it!) but when we got there, we realised that the train service towards jurong east hadn't started yet! so we decided to cab down instead...

6am (23 hours awake):

once at phs, we took some time to settle ourselves down.. then we got things and people moving to prepare the parade square and the hall for the POP. at the very last minute, we all scrambled to arrange all the table and benches in the hall before getting ready to start at the parade square...

8am (25 hours awake):

after ensuring that everyone was ready in their positions, we started off the parade. overall, the parade went rather smoothly and the tossing-of-berets was great!

9am (26 hours awake):

after some photo-taking in the parade square, we finally got everyone settled down in the hall... i had to use my laptop in the end as the powerpoints were not compatible with the school's PA computer.. then, we started with each individual UG tribute... some brought laughter, while others brought tears... overall, it made the whole POP this year a bit more special...

i would say that all the effort that was put into this POP was worth it when i saw the UG cadets really showing appreciation to their seniors!

10.30am (27.5 hours awake):

after the buffet lunch (that i never got to eat..) and the distribution of the POP T-shirt, and the final clearing-up of the hall, parade square and the canteen... the POP committee and i had a final debrief! we congratulated each other for the success of the event, and encouraged each other to do even better in the future! finally, we turned to God to thank Him for the sweet success that he allowed us to taste! Amen!

12.30pm (29.5 hours awake):

when we were done 'dilly-dallying', a few of the primers decided to go to dhoby ghaut for lunch and 'shopping'.. so we made our way there.. by then, jiangwei and i were already feeling 'dreamy'.. but we were hungry, so we persevered.. lol.

1.30pm (30.5 hours awake):

we had a good meal at Long John Silver, Plaza Singapura.. then, we visited Sheron who was working at Gelare... after that, we walked about for just awhile...

2.30pm (31.5 hours awake):

jiang wei & i left to go for the Founders' Award Presentation Ceremony (FAPC)... it was held at the Singapore Swimming Club (SSC)... on the train towards serangoon, we both we almost dozing off, but i encouraged us both to perk up because we had chosen to commit for the duty.. so we should give our 100%!

4pm (33 hours awake):

we finally made it to the SSC in our (POP T-shirts and slippers) after taking bus 158 frm serangoon...there, we met the other primers and officers on duty and we briefed before we got changed back into our full uniform (again.) i was assigned to do the carpark duty, so we were given walkie-talkies to communicate among ourselves... that was really cool!

6pm (35 hours awake):

overall, i had a great time of fun & fellowship with the primers from the other companies and enjoyed the 9-course dinner (although i didn't get to try everything because we had to do our duty..) but it was a really good experience doing the ushering and also witnessing the 5 Founder's Men from BB27! i loved taking photos with them...

10.30pm (39.5 hours awake):

our final duty was over! the journey back was really tough. by then, jiang wei and i were really, really exhausted. i was feeling really lost in a world that i wanted to go home immediately! i couldn't even tell what was real or not..

11.30pm (40.5 hours awake):

i finally got home! i took a really well-deserved warm shower...

Sunday, 27 Jul

12am (41 hours awake):

i went to sleep.

i really thank God that he helped me to get home safely. it is a memorable experience that i will remember...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I'm IN!!

I'm IN!!

yeah!! i just received an email have been selected for the F1 GP Work Experience/Student Attachment Programme with Tung Lok Group!!!!

The attachment period will be from Fri 26 Sep to Sun 28 Sep 2008 inclusive.

and.. guess where i've been assigned to?

The Esplanade Grandstand!!

yay!! i'm so happy now.. so i have also posted this interesting random article below!!

enjoy!! (:


Can u read this ?

Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! (:


Tuesday, July 08, 2008

ICA updates...


but i haven't had the time to blog abt any of it until now.
so i guess i shall update about my recent ICA results?

POA - 49/50
Macroeconomics - 38/40
Statistics - 13/15
Marketing - 26/50 :(
Effective Writing Skills (BizCom) - 33/40? (can't rmb. lol.)
Business Software Application - 75/100

oh well.. i thank God for helping me to do quite well for this ICA..
i'm praying that God will continue to give me the perserverance to study hard to achieve the best results i can!
