Monday, April 28, 2008

2 weeks into poly life!!


time really flies...

it has already been 2 weeks into poly life at NYP!!

i still remember feeling nervous and excited about starting poly not so long ago.. but now, i feel entirely different! i'm so happy with the new friends that i'm going to spend my next 3 years with! they are a bunch of really great people! besides my classmates, i have really great lecturers too! they each have their own cool (or uncool) personality that makes the whole learning experience exciting! i know that i can learn many different things from each of them! (yup. all in God's ultimate plan! putting everyone in their place!)

i'm slowly getting used to my timetable and the style of lectures and tutorials.. so far, i'm trying to manage getting my tutorial assignments and projects done.. it has been a good 2 weeks so far i must say.. but i know that there's more to come! especially once i start going for my CCAs..

notice that i used CCA with an 's'.. yup.. i've join more than one CCA again. lol. and they can summarised using 'A, BB & CCC'.. haha.. that stands for 'Ambassadors Team, Boys' Brigade & Campus Crusade for Christ!' lol.

well, i'm going for the A Team interview tomorrow evening.. i'm praying that everything will go well.. hopefully i will be able to make it in!!

okay.. i think i should seriously sleep soon. it's already 2.43am in the morning!! i have to go to school later!! my lecture starts at 10.10am tmr.. i don't want to be late!!

good (morning) night!! XD

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


i came across this in an email..

this is really meaningful.. enjoy!!


Some people have a JOB in the church;
others involve themselves in a MINISTRY.
What's the difference?

If you are doing it just because no one else will, it's a JOB.
If you are doing it to serve the Lord, it's a MINISTRY.

If you quit because somebody criticized you, it was a JOB.
If you keep on serving, it's a MINISTRY.

If you'll do it only as long as it does not interfere with your other activities,

it's a JOB.
If you are committed to staying with it even when it means letting go of other things, it's a MINISTRY.

If you quit because no one praised you or thanked you, it was a JOB.
If you stay with it even though nobody recognizes your efforts, it is a MINISTRY.

It's hard to get excited about a JOB.
It's almost impossible not to be excited about a MINISTRY.

If our concern is success, it's a JOB.
If our concern is faithfulness, it's a MINISTRY.

An average church is filled with people doing JOBs.
A great and growing church is filled with people involved in MINISTRY.

Where do we fit in? What about us?
If God calls you to a MINISTRY, don't treat it like a JOB.

If you have a JOB, give it up and find a MINISTRY.
God does not want us feeling stuck with a JOB,

but excited and faithful to Him in a MINISTRY.

Author: unknown

God bless!!!

Monday, April 07, 2008


hey!!! it's been ages since i last blogged!!!

i met my childhood friends (from my childcare centre 'BCC') on 2 April 2008!
but i'm too lazy to blog about it.. so just read about it HERE on my friend's blog!!! XD

Also, just on Saturday (5 April), i participated in the BB Adventure Quest 2008!!
the day before, many things happened.
samuel was down with a really high fever of up to 39 degrees Celsius!
the best solution then was to let bryan leave the open team to join the boys team.
at least the boys would all have a chance to take part in the race.
but, then the open team would be incomplete and we might not get to take part.

we all prayed for a miracle to happen.
we did not pray that we could all take part, but rather, we prayed for samuel's healing that he would be well again.

later in the night, by God's grace, samuel seemed to feel much better!

samuel himself also felt really bad about falling sick.
he kept calling wencong to ask if he could take part. he said that he was feeling better and wanted to join us. even his mother agreed to let him participate. but mr ong didn't allow it.
he didn't want to put samuel's life in danger..

but after much consideration, samuel was allowed to take part with us!! but he would not stay over with us the night before the race.. he was to rest at home first and meet us in phs early the next morning before the race!! PRAISE GOD!!

Finally, we were all set for the race..
we got lost a few times, but at least we managed to find our way back. Many times i felt like giving up.. but i thank God that in the end we managed to finish the race!!

We didn't win any prizes that day. but at least all our teams completed the race!!
Jonathan's team came in around the 20th position, while Joash's team was in 35th place..
for us, in the open category, we were in the TOP 16!! (out of 20 open teams, with 4 team disqualified!) haha..

but still, praise God that he was with us throughout!!

well, while this race is over, another journey is about to begin!
school is about to start next week, and orientation is this Thursday..
i can't wait to start, yet i'm abit nervous about how everything would turn out!
i'm hoping that i can meet great friends in my class so that i won't be lonely for the next 3 years!!!

for now, i have lots of packing to do! i need to clear up all my OLD secondary school stuff to prepare way for my new poly stuff!!!

btw, i'm blogging on my new HP notebook that i just bought last friday!!!

more UPDATES next time!!! (:
